Today, I had part-time job from moring. On my way to going job, I met my yongers!! I was embrassed because I wore on psrt-time job unifrom!
Mornig time was not free! The people of pickking up pizza came two continuously, and The telephoone rang!! I was alone in the shop.
However I saw the sinior who worked together in this shop. I was glad to see him.
I finished me job at 17:00.
I went to bed for two hours, and I sat in front of a computer. I had to do the report by tommorow!
Sayuri came to m,y house at9:30 pm. We tought over an event but we wanted to see hamsyo, so we called and he took us to Tatsusno-ya!! Tatsuno-ya is very taste good!!
I like there tastes!!(140w)
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