
happy birthday card

This month is my birth day!, so a card came to me from Screen Boo. The card is for free ticket three times. I can rend a DVD once for free. I can use three times! It is valuable, but Ididn't use it till yesterday. Today, I used it for the first time this year. I rent "Syourin Syoujo". Shibaski Kou is on DVD. It is good!
Tonight, I went to Screen Boo to return. I ran with my friend. It is good for health.
And I rent "kurozu Zero". I ran with DVD again. I put it in house, we ran around his house. We ran 4times. I refreshed my feeling!(113words)

1 件のコメント:

mangi madang さんのコメント...

Hello Ayaka!

Lucky you, getting free ticket.
Enjoy watching DVD!

By the way are you Ayaka to see me last Friday in Tomei's class?
(Sorry if I was wrong.)
