
A coming-of- age cerebration

January 12th is a coming-of- age cerebration, but I had it on 3rd of January. I went to hioki city's ceremony. I really a woman of Kagoshima city. I went to elementary school in sendai city. I wen to Junior high school in Kagoshima city. I went to high school in Hioki city.
My home town mergered with Kagoshima. My family is a transfer family. That is why I have no many same school frisnds.
I could not deiced if which of ceremony I should attend. After all, I went to Hioki city, so I do' t have to go back Kagoshima again.
I made a appointment to hair-salon at 8:00. I got up the six o'clock.
I was looking forward to wearing the Kimono. MY kimono is red of cloth scattered many lame. The Kimono is cutest of all that, I think.

Everyone was beautiful! I took many pictures with friends.
I was happy to beautiful and adult and seeing friends.
I wanted to see all people I relate at all school.

I took a Print club.
After that I went to grand father's house and cousin's house.
Every one said to me "happy a coming-of age cerebration" . (206words)

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