I have not read a book , recently!
Maybe, it is a year ago that I read a book last time!The book tittle is "Ima,ainiikimasu"This book story is about love story (or family love).The main Character`s name is Takumi(husband),Mio(wife),and Yuuji(son).Now, I introduce an outline about this book.This story is mysterious!Mio have been dead for a year. And, the rainy season,Mio appered in front of Takumi and Yuuji.But Mio don`t remember everything. Of cource she don`t remember what Mio was married to Takumi, and she has her son,They start living togher!But, she don`t remember that she died ,so Takumi and Yuuji kept it secret .After a few weeks, she recognise the fact which she died a year ago and she disappear from this world several days!Sadly, Mio disapperd in front of Takumi and yuji again when it finished the rainy season.Mio didn`t never back again!This book is very good, and is impressed!There is the film version and dorama version of the novel.I want you to read this book.Please read this book once!! (192)
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