
favorite animals

My favorite animals are three animals.
First, it is small dog. When I see small dog, I become calm because small dogs bark cute. I don't have dog as a pet, but my friend have dog, so I sometimes take a walk with the friend and dog. The dog name is Haru. A kind of dog is Koogi. He likes to take a walk very well. As soon as I came to meet him, he barks happily because the time of taking a walk became long when I take a walk together. He often barks, but he doesn't bite. This is why I like him. I don't like biting dogs. This is a dream I dreamed in three years old. I was very terrible. I think I want to take a walk with Haru and I want to have cute and small dog some day.

Second, I like horse. In child food, I have ridden on the child horse a few times. The horse walks gently, so I don't feel terrible. I haven't ridden on the horse recently, so I want to ride on horse. I think horse has gentle heart and wide head. I can understand by a figure of horse. Horse has beautiful and gentle eyes. Also, horse has beautiful mane. I like the eye and mane.

Last, I like Koala. When I go to the zoo, I always watch Koala area. However, Koala sleeps almost because of a noctiluca nature. I am also a noctiluca nature now. I shouldn't be it. I like

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